6 Top Careers in Travel Photography

Travel photography offers larger career options as you travel the world on your adventures. Whether you want to take pictures of happy families at resorts or on cruise ships, or you want to become a photojournalist, if you have the talent and determination, there are a variety of ways to combine your passion for photography with travel.

Travel Blogger

Do you like to write and take photos? If you want to be able to take full control of your career, decide where you want to go next and post all your work around the world without having to wait for them to be approved, then travel blogging may be for you.

You can turn your travel blog into a publication that focuses on any market you want, such as environmental images and articles highlighting climate change issues.

Cruise Ship Photographer

If you'd rather find an employer than run your own business, consider applying for a photographer job on a cruise ship. You'll be visiting many different ports around the world, but the cruise ships themselves can take up a lot of time, so you'll need to make sure you can handle often repetitive working conditions and small staff cabins. Typically, you will be taking photos of guests on board, at dinners and events, attending functions, etc.

Resort Photographers

Whether it's a beach, island, ski or theme park resort, many resorts are in need of photographer positions. Often, photographers are hired during peak seasons, which is a great way to work around the world because you can find work at different resorts in different seasons. Since peak seasons tend to vary around the world, it is possible to find vacation photographer jobs throughout the year. A reliable regular income has an added benefit, and most resort photographers receive discounted staff accommodations that feel like you are on vacation.

In most cases, these positions will be very casual and you will be required to spend a few hours a day taking pictures of people enjoying activities or attending events around the resort. This may not be the best job if you are willing. It can be fun to make a lot of money in a short amount of time and a great way to gain experience and improve your skills in travel photography.


Photojournalism is the most respected professional in travel photography, and while this position is very similar to freelance journalism, you are more likely to get commissioned work from clients or publications. Typically, you'll take photos related to a story about an issue, event, subject or location that helps inform and tell a story for a magazine, newspaper, online publication or non-governmental organization.

Many photojournalists are also trained reporters who can provide in-depth captions for their photos and even write a supporting story. It's also helpful to study journalism and find a niche or issue you're passionate about. You may want to consider an internship or create your own website or blog where you can post your own stories or photo features.

Freelance Travel Photographers

Being a freelance travel photographer is another good option if you want to retain maximum control over where you work and what you shoot, but it requires a lot of patience, determination and organizational skills. You will essentially be running your own business, so you will need to spend time finding clients and work, marketing your business, while producing quality content and keeping track of your finances.

There are so many brands, publications and businesses that will always need photo content, and because you can work for multiple clients at once, there are endless opportunities to make money. You need a strong portfolio to market your business and attract those top clients.

Destination Wedding Photographer

Photographing destination weddings is a great opportunity to travel to some of the loveliest places in the world and spend time capturing memorable and precious photos of the couple on their big day. Often, however, wedding photographers are self-employed, giving them the freedom to choose which weddings they want to attend.

Often, you will be booked by a couple to photograph their wedding day; they may be traveling near where you are getting married, or you may be traveling abroad with them to capture their big day. Many destination weddings take place in some gorgeous locations. If you are equally passionate about weddings and landscape photography, then this is the perfect gig for you to combine the two.

Combining your love of travel with your love of photography is easier than you might think. Whether you want to be an employee of a major travel company, cruise ship or resort, or you want to take your own photos around the world, the opportunities come of their own making for anyone with the drive to succeed.